Unit 4
p. 36-43

p. 36 - p. 37
Прочитайте и переведите данные рассказы самостоятельно.

Exercise 1(p.38)
2. I saw him waving.
3. She heard him singing.
4. We watched him performing.
5. They saw him dancing.
6. She heard him playing the guitar.

Exercise 2(p.38)

  1. reading a newspaper

  2. playing football

  3. sunbathing

  4. skateboarding

  5. eating an ice cream

  6. waving

  7. saying hello

  8. taking a photo

  9. phoning a friend

  10. sitting on the ground

Exercise 3(p.39)

  1. ringing

  2. playing

  3. describing

  4. touching

  5. sneezing

  6. smiling

  7. holding

  8. cooking

  9. getting

  10. telling

Exercise 4(p.39)

  1. coming

  2. blowing

  3. burning

  4. cheering

  5. melting

  6. getting

  7. crying

  8. taking

Exercise 5(p.39)

  1. from

  2. out

  3. with

  4. in

  5. at

  6. through

  7. on

  8. to

Exercise 6(p.39)

  1. Laugh

  2. Ding

  3. Whisper

  4. Shout

  5. Cheer

  6. Buns

  7. Scream

Exercise 4(p.41)

  1. will

  2. won't

  3. will

  4. won't

  5. are going to

  6. will

  7. going to

  8. will

  9. going to

Exercise 5(p.41)

  1. cross --> your fingers

  2. go --> to sleep

  3. look --> like

  4. land --> a plane

  5. read --> a horoscope

  6. touch --> wood

Exercise 6(p.41)

  1. find

  2. try

  3. go

  4. take

  5. look

  6. read

Exercise 7(p.41)

  1. footstep

  2. accidentaly

  3. horoscope

  4. ladder

  5. take no notice

  6. lorry

  7. haunted

  8. superstitious

  9. nonsense

  10. speed

Exercise 8(p.41)
Foo'tstep, Ha'unted, Ho'roscope, La'dder, No'nsense,
No'tice, Pa'inter, Superna'tural, Supersti'tious.

Exercise 1(p.42)

  1. I'll tell the teacher

  2. I'll pay for your driving lessons

  3. We won't have enough money for the bus home

  4. I'll win a lot of money

  5. Will be an accident

  6. You'll get a big a surprise

  7. I'll give you some

Exercise 2(p.42)

  1. f

  2. h

  3. e

  4. g

  5. b

  6. a

  7. c

  8. d

Exercise 5(p.43)

  • Airfield
  • Land
  • Fly
  • Plane
  • Runway
  • Pilot
  • Controls
  • Radio
  • Throttle

Exercise 6(p.43)

  1. button

  2. instructor

  3. take

  4. confidence

  5. crash

  6. forward

  7. unconscious

  8. steady

Exercise 7(p.43)

Unit 3
p. 30-35

Unit 4
p. 44-49

22 Октября 2024
